Saturday, May 2, 2009

THAT was Weird!

I'm inside on a beautiful (though cool) sunny Saturday afternoon with a horrible cold. And, I guess I'm glad for that. If I'd been out on my patio a minute ago, I'd have FREAKED out as a police officer came walking through my backyard!

I was sitting here in the office trying to get my wireless router working again when I saw the top of a car go by the window. I looked out, and saw it was a police car. Weird! The cop got out and walked through my backyard into the woods. I quickly grabbed the camera — just in case — and tried to see what was going on. I could see there was another officer out there, but couldn't really see what was happening. "Did they find a body back there!?" "Was someone running from the scene of a crime?" "I can't see!"

I did finally make out another person. "Maybe a homeless man living back there?" (A neighbor a few doors down let's homeless men live on his porch from time to time, so why not?) It's city property, so I doubt they'd come out and harass anyone for being out there.

One of my favorite things about my view is the woods in the back. When I first moved in, I have to admit I'd get a bit paranoid about who might be back there. I have seen at least one pretty rough lookin' dude walk through there and up to the houses to the west during the day.

But, I've gotten pretty comfortable with the idea that it's a private area, and sit out there by myself late at night quite often in the summer. But, with the experience today, my paranoia may have just returned.


  1. Didn't you go out and ask the cops what was going on???!!!

  2. I thought about it. But it was more fun to speculate!

  3. In college, I was in my room when my roommate yelled, "What are all the cop cars?" I peeked out to the front room and it was flooded with lights. We walked to the back of the house (the usable door) to see what turned out to be a cop walking down my driveway with his gun pointed at a 45 to the ground. We startled him, but not enough to get shot, thankfully. He yelled us back in the house, so we fought our way out the unusable front door to the mass of cops in the yard. Turns out, someone running from the cops and presumed armed and dangerous, as it goes, was hiding in the creek. They didn't thank us for being so hospitable, but I didn't really expect them to.
