Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Petey Greene

I always think of Petey Greene as being from Detroit. Maybe it's because I grew up in the 60s and remember all the energy and change that took place during that time — across the country and Michigan. Petey Greene was not from Detroit, he was from Washington, D.C. And I have to say, nine minutes into the Independent Lens presentation of ADJUST YOUR COLOR: The Truth of Petey Green, "Talk to Me" with Don Cheadle didn't even begin to tell this story!

This is great timing for me after two-and-a-half days of anti-racism training. First, let's think about how people in Washington, D.C. do not have a true voice in our government. (They do not vote for representatives of Congress, but instead have a NON-VOTING delegate). Petey wanted to talk to his fellow D.C. citizens. He gave them a voice when theirs was non-existent.

And, his voice was so important! He changed media in a profound way. He started in radio, then moved to cable access (need a link here about how it's funded and why it's important — more likely a whole new entry!). Howard Stern did "black-face" on his show while Petey called him an ignorant cracker, and yes, he used other offensive language, but it was (and still is) an offensive time. It was honest. It changed things. He started a conversation about race, and our history, through observations of the chaos of his time.

Go Petey — wish you were still here with us. I'm thankful for your awesome break-through — just wish your TRUE American story was still widely told. Maybe it will make a comeback and help a new generation of people talk with each other about their history. It's 40+ years past time to start that conversation again.

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