Thursday, February 19, 2009

Good News Petey! (Well, some)

Looks like our Senators are taking up an important vote for the citizens of Washington, D.C.! Petey Greene would have a lot to say about this!
Senators are poised for a critical vote on DC voting rights legislation. A cloture motion requiring the support of 60 Senators will hit the Senate floor on Tuesday, February 24. If cloture fails, the Senate will not even be able to consider this vital voting rights measure.
—From The League of Women Voters 02.19.09

Urge your Senators to Vote to give citizens of Washington, D.C. representation in Congress! It's LONG overdue.

More From LWV:
Voters in our nation's capital are not afforded the same rights as voters in the rest of the country. Citizens of the District of Columbia pay U.S. taxes, fight and die for the U.S. during wartime, and are governed by the laws that Congress passes. And yet they have no voting representation in Congress.

Read more about this, and lots of other great things too, on The League of Women Voter's website. The Kalamazoo League is one of the BEST in the country. It has the GREATEST group of women committed to making democracy work in our community. THAT'S one of the greatest untold stories of our city — maybe I'll tell it. Someone should!


There was also a horrifying, racist cartoon in the New York Post today. The message was extremely ugly, and ignorant. Blatantly racist seems a mild way to describe it.

The message is terrifying. They can say it, but we can loudly object and demand action. The editor MUST be fired! Go to Color of Change to read and take action.

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