We all embrace life from our own perspective.
— K. Grahm, March 9, 2010
I was reading through my journal in an attempt to find answers to how I could have been so wrong about something when I came across this bit of wisdom from a phone conversation with a friend of mine. The topic of perspective came up earlier today as well, so I was inspired to make this post. More journaling wasn't enough.
A journal is good for keeping track of how we embrace — or reject life's challenges. I'm always amazed by the great insight and advice I have for myself, yet fail to listen to. Seven months ago I was excited by the incomprehensible vastness of the universe and all the possibilities that perspective held. I was letting go, and welcoming all things new. Today, I feel like I've been sucked into a black hole and can't see past the horror enough to escape the downward spiral. But, I know this too shall pass. Sometimes you have to be beaten against the rocks before you learn to go with the flow of the river.
Perspective indeed.