Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Open Again, and Ready for Twenty-Ten

I learned last week that my work hours are being cut. Initially I was filled with anxiety and panic. My mind went to thoughts like “How am I going to make it on so much less?” “What if something happens to my car/house/cat, etc?”

It was disturbing because I had really embraced the “idea” of 2010 and all it’s possibilities. Nothing negative was getting in the way. Over the last five months of 2009, I had begun to open up after making an incredible new friend. He made me realize a lot of things about myself — and, our "relationship" was pure fun! I am so grateful for that experience.

But, he’s moved on to a new and really exciting chapter in his life — along with many other people close to me. I am very happy for all of them. Thinking of them seemed to keep me “open” to new possibilities in my own life.

So I got quiet and stopped the panic. Instead, I reflected deeply on the abundance I DO have, and began to think about “what’s next” for me (there’s that question again!). And, in doing so, I realize that I have been given a gift. Less money will definitely challenge me to do things differently, and that’s a good thing. Plus, having more time will allow me to focus on my community — something I’ve thought a lot about, but have taken very little action on.

I am a very lucky person indeed. I still have a job, a place to live, food to eat, a healthy body and people who love me. I am open and ready — for whatever 2010 brings my way! I may even post more meaningful entries — or at least more interesting! (I just hope one of the first "challenges" of the year is not Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat going to a Republican!)

1 comment:

  1. Wow. The adventure never ends, but you certainly seem to have developed a great attitude. Stick with it!! And how about devoting some of that free time to creating some ART?!
