Friday, March 27, 2009

Reorganized Junk

A couple of weeks ago in an attempt to lift myself out of the winter-long funk I’ve been in, I was organizing my jewelry making “stuff” when I came across this hideous beaded plant holder that my grandmother had given me in a box of odds and ends a few years ago. The majority of the beads were clear “crystal-like” things, but there were also a variety of fruits, vegetables and leaves.

I always thought it was one of the ugliest things I’d ever seen, but couldn’t bring myself to throw it out thinking I could find a use for all those beads. I have moved it around from place to place for years now. I’d think about taking it apart, but since I didn’t have any ideas for what to do with it, it was easier to keep it in one piece until I came up with an idea.

I’ve been reading Green Gracious regularly and was particularly inspired by the post on uses for dental floss. While organizing all that stuff, I came across stringing materials that I’d bought, but hadn’t tried yet too.

So, I went to work dismantling the plant holder and experimenting with rearranging it into “jewelry” of sorts. The one question I had when I finished was, “Is this like making a dress out of your grandma’s old doilies?” My initial thought was yes, it is very much like making a dress out of doilies. But, the hideous plant holder is no more.


  1. Wow - you've turned a hideous thing into some very original jewelery! Nice! I'm sure there's also some kind of deeply profound lesson in this, but I'm not sure what it is.

  2. death to the hideous plant holder.

    I wish I had that ability - take stuff apart, make something new.

    My specialty seems to be restricted to "mess".
