Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Idiot America

My blood pressure was given a good elevation this morning when I read this:

Fox News on top: Cable net celebrates 10 years at #1 in ratings

I do NOT recommend the article. It's just bullshit from Roger Ailes.

This is why American's are SO... uninformed! Worse — filled with misinformation that they repeat over and over again as if it was fact because (as my friends mother said) they "heard it on the news." What this network broadcasts is NOT NEWS! It's propaganda, pure and simple (see my post "Welcome Back Bill" about Canada and Fox). Pure lies and deliberate misinformation.

A great little independent film that shines a light on this fact and the problem of media in general is called Outfoxed. I highly recommend it for those who crave some explanation and find this headline as disturbing as I do!

Watch Outfoxed here for free!

Please! Then pass it on.

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