Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Idiot America

My blood pressure was given a good elevation this morning when I read this:

Fox News on top: Cable net celebrates 10 years at #1 in ratings

I do NOT recommend the article. It's just bullshit from Roger Ailes.

This is why American's are SO... uninformed! Worse — filled with misinformation that they repeat over and over again as if it was fact because (as my friends mother said) they "heard it on the news." What this network broadcasts is NOT NEWS! It's propaganda, pure and simple (see my post "Welcome Back Bill" about Canada and Fox). Pure lies and deliberate misinformation.

A great little independent film that shines a light on this fact and the problem of media in general is called Outfoxed. I highly recommend it for those who crave some explanation and find this headline as disturbing as I do!

Watch Outfoxed here for free!

Please! Then pass it on.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Only People are People

It's exciting to see the energy and support building around overturning Citizens United. I am now a volunteer in the fight.

Learn more by watching this great little video, then re-post as many places as possible. I do miss being on Facebook for this kind of thing. This blog gives me a way to "put stuff out there," but NO ONE reads it.

And, for more education on the subject of our broken democracy, don't forget to tune in Moyers & Co. tonight at 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Get Your Homework Done Today

It was good to hear NPR continuing to report on the "Stop Online Piracy Act" act today. Many sites will not be available tomorrow in protest. Hope it helps!

You can join the protest too. There are many groups organizing and asking you to call your government representatives. This is just one of them

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Welcome Back Bill!

“We were better informed when we only had three TV channels.”

That comment was made recently by a friend during a discussion about media reform. No one argued that point.

His comment led to a story from another friend about how he had to correct some misinformation (lies) his mother had been convinced were “true” from watching Fox (faux) “News.” The line she had repeated was something like, “Well, it’s because our president is a Muslim.”

Outrage filled his head, but he loves his mother dearly. So he calmly asked how she knew that. “It was on the news.” “What news Mom?” Her answer revealed all — and more.

Rather than berate her, he educated her. “Mom, did you know that Canada ban Fox News because they have a law that prevents news casts from lying or misleading the public?” She didn’t believe him — at first. But a quick Internet search revealed several reports that backed him up. “Oh my God. They’re lying to your father!”

Yes, Mrs. S. They are lying — to millions of people everyday. And it’s not just the lies, it’s the ignorance it leaves us with. And it's not just Fox. Media moguls refuse to report any news story that makes them look bad or goes against their interests.

If you really want to know what is going on with politics and media in the United States today, I (highly) recommend Moyers & Co. airing on most PBS stations beginning this week.

…when you are in a polarized world, you gotta fight. You gotta be tough. You gotta be like Franklin Roosevelt. "My enemies hate me. And I welcome their hate." You know, you gotta talk about Teddy Roosevelt, about the "malefactors of great wealth." You gotta fight for the people. —Bill Moyers

It’s sad that Bill can’t retire. The void of accurate information about what is happening to our country won’t let him rest. And I for one, am grateful for his fighting spirit! Thank you Bill, and welcome back.