Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mislead by the Washington Post

Not that I'm surprised, but an article in the Washington Post last night gave me the impression that the public option was still a part of the Senate health care reform bill. But, I see now that they have substituted a PRIVATE plan for a government-run public option.

This is outrageous! Private plans are UNACCEPTABLE. Corporate control of our health care system is why millions of American's end up going bankrupt or become homeless year after year. What is WRONG with these weak don't-know-what-to-do-with-the-power-they've-been-given Democrats! This country overwhelmingly elected them a year ago to CHANGE things in this country. What a bunch of cowards!

Fight for the public option! Contact your Senators now!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The View is Getting Wider

The View from Kalamazoo has a new contributor! T Roosevelt Con and I have been talking politics and social justice issues since we met about four months ago. There have been some really great discussions between us, and I hope we can continue the conversation and share it with a wider audience on this blog.