Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cities Green Light on Traffic-Signal Deal is No Deal for Taxpayers

I read with interest an article in the 01.06.09 Gazette about the maintenance contract for traffic lights in the city. I was hoping to learn Kalamazoo was following the lead of other cities across the United States and replacing the incandescent signal bulbs with light emitting diode (LED) units. I was disappointed to see the reporter did not ask this question of our traffic engineer Mr. Abbas.

It’s an excellent question when you learn how much money LED’s can save a city. I had raised the issue with of one of the Gazette editors when I read an article this summer about the City purchasing new traffic signals. And, while I think we have an excellent city council, none of them asked the question either before approving this contract. So, my question has yet to be asked, let alone answered.

Maybe it’s the PBS programming I watch that makes me an informed citizen and want to investigate what MY city is doing. Everything I’ve seen and read about LED traffic lights tells me it’s great way to save considerable amounts of money in maintenance costs, and even more in energy costs. And as a bonus they reduce our carbon footprint!

A majority of U.S. cities are in the process of replacing the old energy wasting incandescent bulbs with LED’s in their traffic signals because they are a better choice for numerous reasons. First, they last for years instead of months (most of the $100,000 a year to maintain 90 traffic signals in Kalamazoo is in changing the bulbs). Secondly, they are brighter than the old-fashioned bulbs — especially helpful on foggy days. Thirdly — and best of all — they can save up to 80% in energy cost — and taxpayer dollars.

The bulbs can be switched out with minor modifications, so the signals themselves wouldn’t need to be replaced. So, I’m still asking the question: why is Kalamazoo in the dark about LED traffic lights?

If you want to learn more, visit NOW on PBS, watch a clip from Orlando, or visit How Stuff Works.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The View is Very Snowy!

I created this blog over a year ago as practice for one I needed to create for work. Well, I learned by doing — while I worked. I never did get back to this. I have a journal — what was I going to write on-line for the world to see?

Then I was a part of the Kalamazoo Gazette's Reader's Panel. I thought it would be a great opportunity to be "heard" by the editorial staff. But, my voice was not 60+ years old and conservative, so I didn't always feel comfortable voicing my opinions.

Sometime during the end of that experience I decided I would use this blog to create my own "Read & React" to the articles in the Gazette. I hadn't gotten started on that until today when I was inspired by my dear friend who has moved to the other side of the state.

She is truly inspiring in her creativity — a TRUE artist in everything she does — writing, sculpture, photography (looking for love and romance!) and now blogging! Her work always amazes me. Thanks hilarywho for all the inspiration over the years, and the kick in the butt I needed to get going on this. I may find it's too much to keep up with, but it seems like a fun way to express my own opinions about what is happening in Kalamazoo. (Gives a whole new meaning to self-publishing, doesn't it!?)

The View today is amazing! Over a foot of snow between Friday and Saturday. It is beautiful. It reminds me of the winters we had when I was a kid and makes me want to go out and play in it! Especially since I didn't have to shovel it all out of the driveway. I have a wonderful neighbor with a big snow-blower that takes care of me when it snows like this. It is STILL coming down, so I'm sure I'll be out there shoveling before the day is over.

I haven't read the paper yet, but I do have a couple of posts I want to add from last week. The Gazette has created a new "Read & React", though it seems that posting here is just as likely to be read.